50 Spring Date Ideas To Enjoy The Season Together

Author: Admin
Published On: April 17, 2024
Springtime Date Ideas for Couples

As spring arrives and the weather gets warmer, it’s time to spice up your date nights with your partner. After spending so much time indoors during the colder months, spring brings a chance to have some fun outside together.

There are lots of cool things you can do, like enjoying drinks on a rooftop bar in the sun or going for a relaxed bike ride along pretty paths. Spring is perfect for picnics and other fun activities that bring you closer and make great memories.

With so many romantic and fun options, why not make the most of the warmer weather and longer evenings by trying out some of these awesome spring date ideas?

50 Springtime Date Ideas Perfect For This Season

Here are 50 springtime date ideas perfect for this season, offering a variety of ways to add a touch of romance to your springtime adventures.

1. Visit a Farmer's Market

spring date ideas best things to do in spring

Head to the nearby farmers market for a lovely day out. You’ll find many colorful fruits and veggies, homemade snacks, and cool crafts. It’s a great way to spend time together, exploring all the fresh, local produce and yummy treats. 

2. Play Mini Golf

spring date ideas perfect date ideas

How about a fun date idea for spring? Let’s play mini golf! It might not sound super exciting, but trust me, it’s a blast! The weather’s just right – not too hot yet – so it’s the perfect time to hit the mini golf course together.

Whether chilling on a lazy weekend morning or starting the weekend with friendly competition, mini golf is a relaxed way to hang out and have fun. It’s easy on the wallet, too! We can chat, laugh, and even plan for our next springtime adventure while enjoying the sunshine and fresh air out on the course.

3. Go on a Zoo Date

spring date ideas unique date ideas

Why not plan a fun zoo date for the spring? It’s a great idea! The animals are more lively as the weather warms up, making it the perfect time for a visit.

Imagine strolling together, hand in hand, through all the cool animal areas. You’ll see all sorts of amazing creatures and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere. It’s not just a fun day out; it also helps support animal conservation efforts.

And remember to snap some cute photos with your favorite animals! They’ll be sweet memories to cherish from your zoo date.

4. Go for a Bike Ride

spring date ideas creative date ideas

Spring is the best time to get outside, and one of the perfect date ideas is going for a bike ride. Dust off your bikes and explore the town together. Whether you like a pretty trail, a chill ride around the neighborhood, or biking to a local restaurant or brewery, it’s a fun spring activity for grown-ups.

Bike riding is way more fun than driving everywhere during the winter, right? Don’t stress if you don’t have bikes; you can always rent them from a local shop. For an extra fun twist, consider renting a tandem bike.

5. Have a Spring Picnic

spring date ideas date ideas for spring

Consider having a spring picnic for a delightful date idea. It’s super simple and oh-so-romantic! Pack up your favorite snacks in a cute picnic basket and head out for outdoor fun.

Find a pretty spot, spread out a cozy blanket, and enjoy the sunshine while you have a sweet meal together. Surrounded by nature’s beauty, it’s the perfect chance to relax, connect, and make special memories.

A spring picnic lets you forget about the busy world and enjoy being together in the great outdoors.

6. Go for Hiking

spring date ideas spring time dates

Get ready for a fun adventure with hiking, a great adult spring activity! Walk along trails, find hidden waterfalls, and enjoy nature’s beauty.

Whether you want an easy walk or a tough hike, hiking is a cool date idea for exploring the outdoors together. It’s a chance to have fun and make memories in nature.

If you’re planning to go hiking, here are a few things to keep in mind:

1.  Pick trails that match your fitness level.
2.  Check the weather before heading out.
3.  Pack essentials like water, snacks, and sunscreen.
4.  Stick to marked trails to protect nature.
5.  Capture memories with photos along the way.
6.  Take breaks to enjoy the views and nature’s sounds.

7. Head To The Amusement Park

spring date ideas best things to do in spring

Prepare for an adventure-packed day at the amusement park! Whether you’re a thrill-seeker or prefer the milder rides, amusement parks have something for every couple. Hold hands as you tackle the roller coasters, share laughs on the Ferris wheel, and enjoy the carefree atmosphere.

An amusement park date promises non-stop fun and unforgettable moments, making it an ideal choice for a springtime outing together.

8. Attend a Baseball Game

spring date ideas springtime date ideas

Feel the excitement of a baseball game and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the stadium. It’s one of the best March date ideas for a reason! Whether you’re a big fan or just looking for a good time, a day at the game is full of fun and memorable moments.

Grab some snacks, enjoy the lovely spring weather, and get into the stadium’s energetic vibe. It’s a great way to enjoy quality time with your partner and create lasting memories together.

9. Plant a Garden Together

spring date ideas spring dates for couples

Plant a garden together to get your hands dirty and have fun with nature. Go to a local plant store, choose some seeds or plants you like, and find a sunny spot to start your garden. This creative date idea lets you grow something together and spend quality time. Plus, it’s an excellent way to enjoy the spring weather and connect.

10. Go on a Dog Walk

spring date ideas cute spring date ideas

Enjoy the beautiful spring weather by taking a walk with your dog together! If you have a furry friend, it’s a great reason to go outside and spend quality time as a couple. Explore your neighborhood or a nearby park, breathing in the fresh air and enjoying the company of your pet.

Dog walks are a simple and fun way to connect with your partner while getting some exercise and enjoying nature. Plus, it’s a beautiful chance to bond with both your partner and your beloved pet, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

11. Go for Fruit Picking

spring date ideas springtime dates

Try something special for your spring date – go fruit picking! When the weather gets warmer, lots of farms let you come in and pick your fresh fruit. It’s a fun way to hang out together, enjoy the sunshine, and help out local farmers.

And the best part? You get to taste the yummy fruits right from the tree! Plus, you can bring some home for later. Fruit picking makes for a unique date idea that you’ll both remember, surrounded by the beauty of spring.

12. Visit a Museum or Art Gallery

spring date ideas fun spring date ideas

Explore some cultures together by visiting a museum or art gallery, a timeless spring date idea. Walk around beautiful exhibitions, admire unique artworks, and have exciting chats as you discover new things together.

This enriching experience lets you peek into history and creativity, making it a perfect choice for a memorable spring date.

13. Plan a Movie Date

spring date ideas spring date night ideas

Consider planning a movie night with your significant other for a cozy spring date idea. It’s a classic choice that never fails to delight. Snuggle up together on the couch or set up a cozy blanket fort, and choose a couple of your favorite films to watch.

Remember the popcorn and your favorite snacks! With the days getting warmer, spending a relaxing evening indoors enjoying a movie is the perfect spring date for couples. Plus, it’s a great way to unwind and spend quality time together, making it one of the top date ideas for spring.

Also, read these great indoor date ideas

14. Visit a Botanical Garden

spring date ideas march date ideas

Spring is here and the perfect time to visit a botanical garden! Botanical gardens are magical wonderlands filled with colorful flowers and lush greenery. Walking through them feels like stepping into a fairy tale.

You’ll love smelling the sweet flowers, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, and admiring all the beauty. It’s a lovely experience to share and create moments you’ll treasure for years.

15. Watching the Sunset Together

spring date ideas springtime date

Watching the sunset with your special someone is romantic, especially in springtime. As the sun goes down and paints the sky with beautiful colors, you feel relaxed and close to each other.

Just find a cozy spot where you can see the sunset well, like a park or by the water. Bring a blanket to snuggle under, some drinks to enjoy, and maybe some snacks. It’s a romantic idea for a spring date that creates beautiful memories.

Also, read these unique second date ideas

16. Have a Dinner Date Night

spring date ideas fun spring activities for adults

Have a cozy dinner date night with your partner – a classic spring idea! Whether you cook together at home or eat at a nice restaurant, a dinner date is an excellent way to relax and reconnect after a busy week.

Set the mood with soft lights, your favorite tunes, and maybe a bottle of wine. Enjoy each other’s company and savor yummy food while making special memories together. It’s the perfect chance to spend quality time and share intimate moments with your partner, making it a night for both of you to remember.

Also, read these fun date night ideas

17. Fly a Kite

spring date ideas things to do in spring

Experience the playful spirit of spring with the classic activity of flying a kite! This timeless outdoor adventure is perfect for couples seeking simple and joyful moments together. Head to a nearby park or beach on a breezy day and watch as your kite soars high in the sky while you enjoy the warm sunlight.

It’s a delightful way to embrace the season and create cherished memories with your partner. So, grab your kite, feel the wind on your face, and revel in the simple joy of flying a kite together – it’s one of the perfect spring date ideas.

18. Go Horseback Riding

spring date ideas spring activities for adults

Experience the thrill of horseback riding this spring! As the weather warms, many places open up for horseback riding adventures. Plan a ride together on a weekend morning and enjoy the beauty of nature.

This fun and exciting date idea lets you explore the outdoors while bonding with your partner. It’s a great way to enjoy the joy of spring activities.

19. Go for a Walk

spring date ideas spring outdoor activities for adults

Spring is the perfect time to step outside and enjoy the fresh air with your partner. Take a leisurely walk around your neighborhood or explore a nearby park together. Walking is a simple yet delightful springtime date idea that lets you connect and enjoy the beauty of nature blooming around you.

So, put on your shoes, hold hands, and take a romantic walk to experience the magic of spring.

Also, read these good first date ideas

20. Visit a Winery

spring date ideas spring activities

Visiting a winery is a great idea, especially in spring! Picture yourself sitting on a sunny patio, enjoying tasty wine, and watching the sunset with your loved one beside you. Whether you choose a local winery or one nearby, trying different wines and spending a romantic evening together is a perfect spring date.

It’s a chance to relax, unwind, and enjoy each other’s company in beautiful surroundings. So, grab your partner and create some memories at the winery – it’s an experience you’ll cherish.

21. Go for Camping

spring date ideas april date ideas

Explore nature and enjoy the outdoors with a fun spring date idea – camping! Set up a tent, gather around a campfire, and take in the peacefulness of nature.

Whether you camp in a nearby park or go further into the woods, it’s a chance to connect and take a break from everyday life. So, gather your stuff, go on an adventure, and make unforgettable memories under the stars. 

If you are going camping, here are some essential things to remember for your camping trip:

  1. Choose campsites suitable for your camping experience.
  2. Check the weather forecast before your trip.
  3. Pack essentials like water, snacks, and insect repellent.
  4. Set up camp securely in a safe place and level spot and follow tent instructions.
  5. Bring along games or books for extra enjoyment.
  6. Build a cozy campfire for warmth and cooking.

22. Play Frisbee

spring date ideas fun things to do in the spring

Want a fun activity for you and your partner this spring? How about grabbing a Frisbee and heading to the park? It’s a great way to enjoy the nice weather and have fun together.

Toss the Frisbee back and forth, and have a friendly competition. Then, when you’re done, you can relax with a picnic in the park. It’s a simple, enjoyable way to spend time together outdoors.

23. Attend a Spring Street Festival

spring date ideas fun springtime date ideas

Prepare for some fun at a spring street festival! These events pop up when the weather gets warmer and offer lots of cool stuff to check out, like food, crafts, and entertainment.

Walk around with your partner, enjoy the lively vibe, and try out some yummy snacks from the food stands. A spring street festival is a great way to have a memorable date and soak up the season’s excitement.

24. Go for Kayaking

spring date ideas fun spring activities

Kayaking is a super fun way to spend time outdoors. Whether you’ve done it before or not, it’s an excellent way to enjoy the lovely spring weather and check out some pretty sights.

You can rent a kayak from a local place, bring snacks and drinks, and be ready for a water adventure! It’s a great way to have a good time with your partner and make awesome memories outside.

25. Enjoy a Rooftop Bar

spring date ideas cute spring date activities

How about spicing up your spring date with a visit to a rooftop bar? When the weather gets warmer, these places offer a relaxed vibe where you can enjoy the city view while sipping your favorite drinks. Whether it’s a brunch date or a romantic evening, rooftop bars give you a unique setting for your hangout.

You’ll love the fresh air and the lively feel of spring while you chill with your partner. So, why not add a rooftop bar to your spring date plans and make some incredible memories together?

26. Have a Board Game Day

spring date ideas perfect spring date ideas

Prepare for a cozy and entertaining date idea with a board game day. Gather your favorite board games, snacks, and drinks, and settle in for a fun-filled day of friendly competition. Whether you prefer classic games like Monopoly or more modern favorites like Settlers of Catan, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Challenge each other to strategic battles and playful banter as you make memories together. Plus, it’s a cheap and relaxing way to spend quality time indoors during spring.

27. Volunteer Together

spring date ideas unique spring date ideas

Looking for a meaningful spring date idea? Why not volunteer together? Volunteering is a heartwarming activity where you can give back to your community and grow closer as a couple. Whether helping at a soup kitchen, cleaning up a beach, or caring for animals at a shelter, there are many ways to make a difference.

Volunteering together lets you share new experiences and make lasting memories. It’s a beautiful way to spend time together during the spring while spreading kindness and positivity.

28. Visit an Arcade

spring date ideas creative spring date ideas

Have a blast at an arcade for your next spring date! It’s a classic idea that’s always a hit. Step into a world of bright lights and exciting games as you challenge each other to old-school favorites.

Whether battling it out in air hockey or aiming for the top score in your favorite game, you’re sure to have a blast. It’s a playful way to add some excitement to your springtime outings.

29. Plan a Summer Travel

spring date ideas spring date

While it’s still a few months until summer, it’s a great time to start thinking about and planning your next adventure together. Planning a summer trip can be a fun and romantic idea for spring, letting you imagine all the good times to come and get excited for your getaway.

Whether you dream of a beach trip, a road adventure to explore new places, or a cozy cabin retreat in the mountains, discussing and planning your summer travel can bring you two closer. So, grab a map, check out travel websites, and let your imaginations run wild as you plan your perfect summer getaway.

30. Create a Spring Bucket List Together

spring date ideas spring month

As spring arrives, it’s a great time to list fun things to do together. Sit down with your partner and think of activities you enjoy during this lively season.

Whether trying out new hiking paths, going to outdoor concerts, or finding new picnic spots, making a spring bucket list together guarantees lots of fun and memorable moments.

31. Attend an Outdoor Concert

spring date ideas spring season

Experience the lively vibe of an outdoor concert together, a fun date idea for couples. Listen to live music outdoors, dance to the beats, and enjoy the energetic atmosphere. Whether it’s a small band in the park or a big event, going to an outdoor concert is a great way to make lasting memories with your partner.

32. Ride In a Hot Air Balloon

spring date ideas activites for spring

Take a ride in a hot-air balloon for a truly unique date! Picture yourself floating gently above the ground, enjoying stunning views as you glide through the air.

It’s an experience you won’t forget, perfect for making special memories with your partner. Whether for a celebration or just for fun, a hot-air balloon ride will surely bring romance and adventure.

33. Play Scavenger Hunt

spring date ideas things to do this spring

A scavenger hunt is a super fun activity for spring dates! Make a list of clues and hide them around your neighborhood or a nearby park. Then, go on an adventure together to find each clue. It’s a great way to work as a team, laugh, and enjoy the thrill of solving puzzles.

The best part? The winner gets to pick the next activity—maybe a trip to the farmers’ market or a cozy picnic in the park. So grab your partner’s hand and have a blast on a scavenger hunt date that’ll bring you even closer!

34. Go To Beach

spring date ideas thing to do in the spring

Take a trip to the beach for a sweet spring date. Feel the soft sand under your feet and listen to the calming sound of waves. It’s a great chance to relax in the sun and spend time together. Bring a blanket, snacks, and maybe even a beach ball for extra fun.

35. Go for Go-Karting

spring date ideas thing in the spring

Enjoy the excitement of racing each other on a go-kart track, a thrilling spring date idea. Feel the adrenaline rush as you zoom around the track, trying to beat each other’s speed.

It’s a fun and playful activity for couples seeking a romantic and adventurous date.

36. Have a Spa Night

spring date ideas things in spring

Enjoy a relaxing spa night at home for a cozy date. Light up some scented candles, play soothing music, and add luxurious bath oils for a pampering experience. Treat each other to massages and facials, and give yourselves a DIY manicure.

This romantic idea is perfect for unwinding together and spending quality time during spring dates.

37. Cook Together

spring date ideas things to do in the spring with friends

Prepare to become chefs for a day and cook a tasty meal together as a fun date. Pick a recipe you both like, gather the ingredients, and start cooking in the kitchen. Cooking as a team is a great way to bond, have fun, and make a special meal together.

Plus, you’ll feel proud and happy eating a homemade meal you made together. It’s one of the best date ideas for a cozy night.

Also, read these romantic home date ideas

38. Go for Stargazing

spring date ideas things to do during spring

Step outside on a clear night for a romantic stargazing date. It’s a timeless idea that’s always special. Lay down a blanket, snuggle close, and gaze at the beautiful stars.

Stargazing is a peaceful and intimate way to enjoy each other’s company and the beauty of the night sky.

39. Visit a Bookstore

spring date ideas spring activities ideas

Visit a nearby bookstore for a cozy spring date. Check out the books together, share your favorites, and find new ones to read. It’s a great way to bond over your love of reading without spending too much money.

40. Decorate Easter Eggs

spring date ideas what do people do in spring

Let’s get creative and decorate Easter eggs together! It’s a fun spring date idea where we can be creative and enjoy each other’s company. Grab some egg decorating kits or gather supplies like dye, stickers, and markers.

We can spend a chill afternoon making colorful and unique Easter eggs, perfect for celebrating the season and creating special memories.

41. Go for Fishing

spring date ideas things to do during the spring

Spring is a great time to do stuff outside, and fishing is a timeless option for a spring date. Go to your favorite fishing spot with your partner, throw out your lines, and enjoy the calmness of nature together.

It’s a chill way to connect and relax, making it one of the top activities for spring.

42. Try TreeTop Trekking

spring date ideas spring time activities

For a thrilling spring date, consider trying treetop trekking! Experience the excitement of navigating the treetops together, challenging yourselves with obstacle courses and ziplines. 

It’s a perfect activity for adventurous couples looking for spring activities that offer fun and an adrenaline rush. Soar through the trees and create unforgettable memories on this exciting spring date.

43. Take Spring Photos

spring date ideas spring things to do

Celebrate spring with a fun photo session! Take your camera or phone outside to capture the beauty around you.

On this lovely spring date, snap pics of flowers, trees, and colorful scenery. Enjoy the moment and make lasting memories.

44. Go for a Long Drive

spring date ideas spring fun activities

Take a drive together and soak in the beautiful countryside or coastal scenery. It’s a top spring date idea for enjoying each other’s company while seeing stunning views.

Open the windows, crank up the tunes, and let the road take you to unforgettable moments.

45. Go Paddle Boating

spring date ideas springtime activity

Experience the beautiful spring weather with a romantic paddle boating adventure! Spend quality time together as you glide on the water, enjoying the peaceful surroundings.

It’s a great date idea for couples who want to have outdoor fun and relax in the sunshine. So, grab your paddles and make some memories on this particular outing.

46. Play Pickleball

spring date ideas springtime activities for adults

It’s a favorite game that involves having fun and competing in a friendly way. Perfect for couples who want an active and playful date, you can compete in a few games, and the loser treats the winner to ice cream afterward.

It’s fun to enjoy the lovely spring weather and spend quality time together outdoors.

47. Visit a Coffee Shop

spring date ideas what to do in spring

Meet your partner at a nearby coffee shop. Enjoy delicious drinks and chat in a cozy place. Whether it’s a busy city spot or a quiet cafe in the neighborhood, it’s a relaxed way to hang out together.

Enjoy the cozy vibe and cherish each moment on your springtime coffee date.

48. Have a Barbecue

springtime outdoor activities for adults

Fire up the barbecue for a delightful outdoor cookout with your partner. Choose your favorite meats, veggies, and sauces, and enjoy cooking together outdoors.

This timeless spring date idea combines yummy food with outdoor fun, making it a simple and enjoyable way to make memories together.

49. Grill Something Outdoors Together

spring date ideas spring season activity

Grilling together prepares you for a delightful outdoor cooking adventure with your partner. Whether cooking up juicy burgers, sizzling steaks, or flavorful veggies, cooking outdoors adds more fun to your date.

Enjoy the fresh air, the grill sizzle, and the mouth-watering aromas as you create tasty memories together. It’s the perfect way to spend quality time and enjoy outdoor cooking fun.

50. Have a Dessert Date

spring date ideas springtime things

Treat yourselves to a dessert date, one of the best spring date ideas! Enjoy yummy cakes, pastries, or ice cream at a cozy café or dessert spot.

Have fun, enjoy each other’s company, and satisfy your sweet cravings together. It’s a lovely way to end a romantic day or add a bit of sweetness to your time together.


As you enjoy your springtime dates, remember that love grows in the little moments you share. Whether it’s a walk in the park or a cozy evening at home, treasure each moment with your partner. If you’re looking for a serious and loving relationship to share these moments, try the ForeverUs In Love dating app. It’s made for those who want real connections, where meaningful relationships start. Begin your journey to lasting love today with ForeverUs In Love .

Spring Date Ideas Infographics

Explore the beauty of spring with our handpicked selection of date ideas! From outdoor adventures to cozy indoor activities, find inspiration for unforgettable moments with your partner. Let the romance bloom this spring.

Spring Date Ideas