11 Essential Online Dating Terms You Need To Know

Author: Admin
Published On: April 24, 2023
Online Dating Terms You Must Need To Know

In the era of digitalization and social media, online dating has become a common way to meet new people and find love. However, navigating the world of online dating can be challenging if you’re not up-to-date with the latest online dating terms.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the essential online dating terms you need to know to make your dating experience smooth and successful. Whether you’re new to online dating or have been in the game for a while, understanding these terms is crucial to having a positive and enjoyable experience. So, let’s dive in.

What Is Polyamorous Dating & How Does It Work?

Polyamorous is a combination of the Greek word ‘poly’ referring to ‘many’, and the Latin word amor refers to ‘Love’. A polyamorous relationship means a couple agrees cooperatively to involve with other people.

It is a type of the Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) or Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) spectrum. It comprises all choices of a sexual or romantic relationship, which include multiple partners and require all consent.

But how do polyamorous differs from cheating your partner? There are no secrets here, no sneaking behind, no lying about your trysts from your partner. You can explore emotionally and physically in polyamorous dating relationships. But it is not simply having multiple partner as it involves different moves for everyone who engages.

There are many ways people can structure their poly relationship, and it’s somewhat confusing. Here we will differentiate polyamory and polygamy to clear out all your doubts.

11 Important Online Dating Terms You Need To Know

Below we explain 11 most important online dating terms which you must be familiar with. Let’s start:

1. Ghosting

This refers to the practice of suddenly and inexplicably ceasing all communication with someone you have been seeing. It can leave the other person feeling confused, hurt, and wondering what they did wrong.

While it may seem easy to avoid confrontation, ghosting is considered disrespectful and cowardly to end a relationship. It is essential to be transparent and honest with your intentions and communicate openly with your romantic partners online and in person.

2. Catfishing

In online dating, it is essential to be aware of certain terms to avoid falling prey to fraudulent activities. One of the most common terms is “catfishing,” which refers to someone pretending to be someone else online.

This act is usually done to deceive others through fake profiles and fabricated information. It can be difficult to detect, but some red flags to look out for include a lack of personal information, unwillingness to meet in person, and inconsistencies in their stories.

To avoid being catfished, conducting thorough research on potential matches and trusting your instincts if something seems off is crucial.

3. Phishing

This refers to the tactic scammers use to gain access to personal information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. Phishing typically involves:

  • Sending phony messages or emails that are coming from reliable dating websites.
  • Asking for personal information.
  • Directing users to fraudulent websites.

Always check the veracity of emails to prevent falling for phishing schemes and links before providing any personal information. Users should also use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

4. Stashing

Stashing is a term commonly used in online dating, and it refers to a person hiding their significant other from their friends and family.

This behavior is often seen as a red flag in relationships and can be detrimental to the emotional well-being of the person being stashed. Those who engage in stashing may do so out of fear of commitment or embarrassment about their partner.

5. Benching

This term is often used in dating apps, where individuals may have multiple matches simultaneously. It’s important to be aware of this term and the behavior it describes to avoid being caught in a cycle of uncertainty and disappointment.

6. Cushioning

This term refers to a dating practice where individuals maintain multiple romantic connections simultaneously to soften the blow of a potential breakup. Essentially, cushioning is a way to protect oneself emotionally from the pain of a failed relationship by having other options lined up.

While this may seem harmless to some, it can harm those genuinely seeking a committed relationship. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the implications of cushioning cautiously.

7. Love Bombing

Love bombing is a term used in online dating to describe a manipulative tactic a potential partner employs to gain control of the relationship. The technique involves showering the other person with excessive attention, flattery, and affection to create a false sense of intimacy and connection.

Predators and scammers often use this approach to gain trust and manipulate their victims. It is crucial to be aware of this behavior and not fall victim to it.

Remember to take things slow and be cautious when someone appears to be moving too fast or overloading you with compliments and gifts. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from potential harm.

8. Gaslighting

It is a tactic used by some individuals to manipulate and control their partners. Gaslighting is when someone is tricked into questioning their perspective of reality, often by denying or distorting facts, events, or experiences.

This can cause the victim to feel confused, anxious, and unsure of themselves. It’s essential to be aware of this behavior and to trust your instincts if you suspect you are being gaslit.

9. Submarining

This term refers to the act of suddenly disappearing from a conversation or relationship without any explanation, only to resurface later as if nothing happened.

Submarining can be incredibly frustrating for those who invest time and emotions into a relationship, only to have the other person suddenly disappear without warning.

10. Zombieing

Zombieing refers to the act of an individual who has previously ghosted or disappeared suddenly from your life, suddenly reappearing after a long time with no explanation or apology.

11. Haunting

Haunting refers to the act of someone who has previously ghosted a potential romantic partner but continues to interact with them on social media. This can be confusing and emotionally draining for the haunted person, as it can create false hope of a potential reconciliation.


Understanding the language of online dating is essential for anyone looking to find love through the Foreverusinlove dating app or any other dating platform.

Knowing the meanings of common terms such as ghosting, catfishing, and breadcrumbing can help you navigate the dating landscape and avoid heartbreak.

It’s crucial to approach online dating cautiously and be aware of the different tactics people may use to deceive you. Educating yourself on these terms can increase your chances of finding a genuine connection and building a lasting relationship.