10 Christian Dating Advice for Adults

Author: Admin
Published On: December 5, 2022
Best Christian Dating Advice

Are you looking to date someone being Christian? You are not alone!

In this modern era, dating has become difficult with changing cultural norms that highly impact the search for love, courtship, and purity. As a Christian, whether you choose to meet someone or date online, the intent to live on biblical standards makes dating even more complex.

Don’t worry; no one is perfect. With patience and trust in God, you will find a person with the same values and faith in God. Believers are looking to find love on online dating apps to get their “perfect partner,” but the struggle is still real.

Keeping that in mind, here we have a list of Christian dating advice that will undoubtedly work for you to choose the right person.

10 Tips For Christian Dating

Here, we’ve compiled the top 10 Christian dating tips to help you find a partner who shares your values and beliefs.

1. Get to Know Yourself

We often spend years focusing on who we will be with our future relationships rather than who we are now. By neglecting ourselves, we invest limitless energy to get to know the person standing before us. Don’t try to become anyone.

It is important to be true to your inner soul and what you believe. When anyone is dating you, make sure they see your real side. It helps to reduce your anxiety about what the other person will like or think about you.

2. Prepare Yourself

Before embarking on a dating journey, it’s important to prepare yourself both mentally and spiritually. Spend time in prayer and reflection to ensure that you are ready to date in a way that brings glory to God.

Work on developing your character, identifying your values, and setting healthy boundaries to ensure that you are entering a relationship with a clear and confident mindset. By taking the time to prepare yourself, you will be better equipped to attract the right person and build a meaningful relationship.

3. Put God First

As a Christian, it’s essential to keep God at the center of your life, including your dating journey. When searching for a partner, it’s crucial to look for someone who also prioritizes their relationship with God. Putting God first in your relationship can provide a solid foundation and help guide you both through the ups and downs of dating.

4. Avoid Social Media

While social media can be a great way to connect with others, it’s important to be mindful of its potential downsides when it comes to Christian dating. People who post photos or quotes about God are not always genuine, and may be trying to gain popularity rather than living out their faith. Instead of relying on social media to find a partner, try using a dating app like ForeverUsInLove.

By using this dating app, you can connect with like-minded individuals who share your values and beliefs, and who are genuinely interested in building a lasting relationship based on faith and mutual respect.

5. Don’t Overlook Friendship - Be Open to It

One of the best Christian dating tips for anyone searching for a long-term relationship should remember that base of a strong & happy relationship is often friendship. A friendship can blossom into something beautiful if you and your friend reach a point where you both are willing to explore possibilities.

Let the relationship unfold naturally, and put your trust in God. You can take a friendly approach when you meet people online on a dating app. It allows you to know the person better and help you make decisions in the future.

6. Be Open About Your Intentions

Why do you want to date? Are you seeking a long-term relationship or want to have fun? How long should you date before marriage? Create a list of such points that describes your goals, career, and commitment. Discussing everything with your partner is necessary to be on the same page.

It increases the chance of having a happy life together and prevents possible breakups. Be honest with yourself so that you know you both are compatible or are heading in a different direction.

7. Set Boundaries

When you love someone, creating boundaries is tough. But when it comes to dating with purity and self-respect, people should be confident in setting their boundaries. If someone is pushing for physical intimacy, kissing before marriage, or in any other way that makes you as a Christian uncomfortable, you should take a strong stand against it.

Refuse to compromise, as the right person will keep your boundaries intact. It’s important not to lower your standards and tolerate someone who isn’t treating you right.

8. Stop Looking For “The One”

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of finding “the one” – that perfect person who will complete us and make us truly happy. But the truth is, no one is perfect, and looking for someone to fulfill all our desires and needs is a recipe for disappointment.

Instead of focusing on finding “the one,” focus on building a relationship with Jesus, who is the only one who can truly fulfill us. Trust in His plan for your life, and remember that the right person will come along at the right time.

9. Slow Down - Take Your Time

When it comes to Christian dating, it’s important to take things slow and not rush into anything. By taking your time, you give yourself the opportunity to truly get to know the other person and discern whether or not you are a good match.

Rushing into a relationship can lead to heartache and disappointment, so be patient and trust in God’s timing. Remember, a strong foundation takes time to build.

10. Ask for Help

A firm piece of Christian dating advice for adults is asking for help when needed. If you feel like you don’t know what to do, talk to your priest or someone you trust about that particular situation. Asking your friends and family would be the best as they know you and can give you honest answers.

When dating, if you really like the person, you might overlook or won’t be able to see the imperfections that other people can see. So trust that God put these people in your life, and their unbiased opinion can help you in the dating world.


Online dating has opened up new possibilities for Christians looking for someone special. With this Christian dating advice, we hope that you feel equipped to navigate the world of online dating while staying true to your values and beliefs. Remember to put God first, prepare yourself, avoid relying solely on social media, stop looking for “the one,” and take your time.

Remember that finding the right person may take time and patience, but trust that it is all part of God’s plan. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of finding a partner who shares your faith and build a relationship that is grounded in Christ. So, be open, be patient, and keep the faith – the right person is out there for you.