How To Tell Your Crush You Have Feelings For Him

Author: Admin
Published On: December 26, 2022
How to Tell Him I Like Him

Feeling those butterflies swirling around because you’ve got a crush? Don’t fret, it’s totally natural! But finding the right words to let him know can be a bit of a challenge, huh? No worries, we’ve all been there!

Telling a guy you like him isn’t as scary as it seems. In fact, it could lead to something amazing! So, let’s dive into some straightforward tips to help you express your feelings confidently. Here are 20 simple ways to let him know you’re interested, going from direct approaches to subtle hints.

20 Best Ways To Tell a Guy You Like Him

Here, we have given you the 20 best ways to tell a guy you like him. From flirting and spending time with him to asking him out, explore user-friendly tips for expressing your feelings and making a connection with your crush.

1. Just Tell Him Directly

Just Tell Him Directly

If you’re wondering how to tell a guy you like him, there are a few simple approaches you can try. One straightforward way is to tell him directly. Be confident and say something like, “Hey, I wanted to be honest with you – I really like you.”

Alternatively, keep it casual by slipping it into conversation naturally. For instance, mentioning that you enjoy spending time together and that you like him. Another option is to add a touch of humor. You could say something playful like, “I hope you’re not too surprised, but I’ve got a bit of a crush on you.”

Ultimately, the most important thing is to be sincere and true to yourself. Choose an approach that feels comfortable for you.

2. Dress Up

Dress up

When it comes to letting a guy know you like him, your style can speak volumes. Dressing up nicely when you know you’ll be around him can really boost your confidence and catch his eye. After all, who can resist someone who looks stylish and confident?

So, next time you’re planning to see him, why not put a little extra effort into your outfit? You never know; your killer style might just make him take notice!

3. Flirt With Him

Flirt With Him

Flirting can be a fun way to let a guy know you’re interested. So, how do I tell him I like him through flirting? Start with a smile and eye contact to grab his attention. Then, strike up a light conversation about shared interests. Use playful touches or leaning in to show you’re interested. Give sincere compliments, like about his humor or style.

If you find common interests, suggest doing something together, like going to a concert. Most importantly, be confident! Confidence is attractive and shows you’re comfortable with yourself. So, don’t be afraid to flirt a little and let him know you’re interested.

For example, you could say something like, “I have to admit, being around you always puts a smile on my face. It’s like you have this magical power to make my day brighter.”

4. Try to Spend Time With Him

Try to Spend Time With Him

Spending time together is key to building a stronger connection. By finding opportunities to hang out, you can deepen your bond and create shared experiences. Whether it’s a group outing or one-on-one time, pay attention to your interactions and any signs of chemistry between you.

As you spend more time together, you may find natural opportunities to express your feelings. For instance, during a fun outing, you could casually mention, “I always enjoy our time together. You’re so easy to be around.” This slight hint could pave the way for further conversation about your feelings.

5. Show Interest In His Life

Show Interest In His Life

Showing that you care about his life is a great way to build a connection. Ask him about the things he loves, like his hobbies or what he’s passionate about. When you show genuine interest in what he enjoys, it makes him feel special and valued.

For instance, if he’s into hiking, you could ask him about his favorite trails or if he has any upcoming trips planned. By engaging in conversations about his interests, you’re not only getting to know him better but also creating opportunities to bond. And who knows, these chats might pave the way for you to decide if you should tell him you like him eventually.

Also read how to know if you like a guy

6. Make an Eye Contact With Him

Make an Eye Contact With Him

Making eye contact with him says a lot without saying anything at all. When you look into his eyes, it shows that you’re interested and attracted to him.

For instance, during a conversation, keep your gaze steady to let him know that you’re fully engaged and interested in what he’s saying. This simple gesture can convey your feelings subtly and might make him wonder if you’re thinking about telling him you like him. So, next time you’re around him, don’t be shy from meeting his gaze—it could be the start of something special.

7. Compliment Him

Compliment Him

Giving compliments is a great way to show a guy you like him. When you genuinely appreciate something about him, whether it’s his sense of humor, style, or kindness, don’t hesitate to let him know.

For example, you could say, “I really admire how you always make people laugh,” or “You have such great taste in music.” These compliments not only make him feel good but also give him a slight hint about your feelings.

So, if you’re wondering how to tell a guy you like him, start by showing your appreciation through sincere compliments. It’s a simple yet effective way to express your admiration and make him feel special.

8. Enquire About His Relationship Status

Enquire About His Relationship Status

If you’re considering how to tell a man you like him, it’s important to know if he’s available. Casually asking about his relationship status can give you valuable insight into his situation.

For instance, you could say, “So, are you seeing anyone special at the moment?” or “I was just curious, are you currently in a relationship?” These questions are straightforward yet modest, allowing you to gauge his availability without making things awkward.

By enquiring about his relationship status, you can better understand if pursuing him romantically is a possibility. It’s a small but essential step in figuring out how to express your feelings towards him.

9. Ask Him For His Help

Ask Him For His Help

Wondering how to tell a guy you like him? Asking for his help can be a modest yet effective strategy. It not only creates opportunities for bonding and interaction but also makes him feel valued and appreciated.

For instance, “I’m thinking of redecorating my room. Can you give me some advice?” These requests allow him to showcase his skills and knowledge while also fostering a sense of connection between the two of you.

By asking for his assistance, you’re not only seeking practical help but also opening the door for deeper conversations and potential romantic interest. It’s a simple yet powerful way to convey your feelings towards him.

10. Touch Him

Touch Him

If you’re thinking about telling a guy you like him, try touching him gently during your conversations. For instance, when you’re talking, you could lightly touch his arm or give him a playful nudge. These little touches show that you’re interested without you having to say anything directly.

Remember, keep it natural and not too obvious. By touching him in a friendly way, you’re letting him know that you like him without having to use words. It’s a subtle way to show your feelings and start something more serious.

11. Take The Help Of Your Friends

Take The Help Of Your Friends

Get your friends involved to help you out. They can give you tips or even introduce you to him if you’re shy. They could even give him a little nudge in your direction. Having your friends on your side can make it easier to let them know you like them without having to say it directly.

For example, your friends might organize a group hangout where you can spend time with him in a more relaxed setting. Or they could casually mention to him that you think he’s really cool. With their help, you can subtly show your feelings without feeling too nervous about it.

12. Surprise Him

Surprise Him

Give him a surprise! It could be something small like a little gift, a sweet gesture, or a fun outing you plan out of the blue. Surprises can really make him feel important and cared for, which can show him that you have feelings for him.

For instance, you could surprise him with his favorite snack or take him to see a movie he’s been wanting to watch. These unexpected acts of kindness can leave a lasting impression and let him know that you’re interested in him without having to say it outright.

13. Laugh When He Makes Funny Jokes

Laugh When He Makes Funny Jokes

When he cracks a joke, laugh along! It’s a great way to show him that you enjoy being around him and appreciate his sense of humor. Laughing together can really strengthen your bond and make him feel good about himself.

For instance, if he tells a funny story or a witty joke, don’t be afraid to chuckle or giggle. It lets him know that you’re having a good time and that you have feelings for him. Plus, sharing laughs can create a fun and lighthearted atmosphere, making it easier to connect.

14. Ask Him About Himself

Ask Him About Himself

Engage him in conversation about his interests and experiences. Expressing sincere interest in his life can help build a stronger connection and pave the way for more meaningful discussions.

For instance, you can ask him about his hobbies, favorite activities, or future goals. Showing genuine curiosity demonstrates that you value him as a person and may hint that you like him. It’s a quiet yet effective way to deepen your bond and express your feelings.

15. Drop Hints That You Are Single

Drop Hints That You Are Single

Casually bring up your relationship status during conversations to subtly let him know that you’re single. Mentioning it in passing can give him a clue about your availability and willingness to explore romantic possibilities.

For instance, you can casually slip it into a conversation by saying something like, “Oh, I went to see that movie with my friends last weekend. Being single has its perks sometimes!” This way, you’re dropping a hint without making it too obvious, allowing him to pick up on your subtle message. It’s a low-pressure way to signal that you’re open to something more than just friendship.

16. Revel when You Are Jealous

Revel when You Are Jealous

When he talks about hanging out with others, he subtly shows a hint of jealousy. Expressing these feelings suggests that you’re interested in him romantically and would prefer to have his attention exclusively.

For example, if he mentions spending time with someone else, you could playfully respond with something like, “Oh, so you had fun without me, huh? I might have to start feeling a little jealous!” This lighthearted approach lets him know that you care about his company and wouldn’t mind being the one he spends his time with. This is one way to express how to tell him you like him indirectly.

17. Expressing Your Feelings in a Card

Expressing Your Feelings in a Card

Another thoughtful way to express your feelings is by writing him a heartfelt note or card. This gives you the chance to carefully compose your message and convey your emotions in a meaningful manner.

For instance, you could write something like, “Hey [his name], I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate you. You always manage to make me happy, and I feel really lucky to have you in my life. I hope we can spend more time together and get to know each other better. Take care.” This simple gesture can say a lot and is one of the best ways to tell a guy you like him.

18. Send Him Cute Messages

Send him cute message 1

Sending cute messages through text or social media is another great way to let a guy know you like him. It’s a relaxed and easy way to express your feelings without feeling too pressured.

For example, you could send him a message like, “Hey, I just wanted to say that you’ve been on my mind a lot lately. Your smile always brightens my day!” It’s a sweet and modest way to show your interest without being too forward. So, if you’re wondering how to tell a guy you like him, sending cute messages is definitely a good option.

19. Follow His Social Account and Like His Post

Follow His Social Account and Like His Post

Following his social media accounts and interacting with his posts is a subtle way to let him know you like him. It shows that you’re interested in his life and what he shares online.

For example, you could like one of his photos and leave a friendly comment like, “Wow, looks like you had an amazing time! Love seeing your adventures.” It’s a simple way to show your support and affection. If you’re thinking about telling a man you like him, engaging with his social media posts is a good starting point.

20. Ask Him Out

Ask Him Out

Taking the lead and asking him out on a date can be a bold move that shows you’re interested in him. It’s a direct way to let him know that you like him and want to spend more time together.

For example, say something like, “Hey, I’ve really enjoyed our conversations lately. Would you like to grab coffee with me this weekend?” It’s a simple yet effective way to convey your feelings and initiate a potential romantic connection. So, if you’re wondering how to tell him you like him, consider taking the first step and asking him out on a date.


Expressing your feelings to someone you like can be both nerve-wracking and rewarding. Whether you choose to be direct or drop slight hints, it’s important to stay true to yourself. While rejection is a possibility, being honest about your emotions can also lead to meaningful connections and potential relationships. Remember to be brave and genuine as you navigate the journey of expressing your feelings to someone special.

And if you’re looking for a platform to connect with like-minded individuals seeking serious and meaningful relationships, consider checking out ForeverUs In Love, our dating app designed for those ready for lasting love and commitment. Join our community today and start your journey towards finding your forever love.

Infographic: How To Tell Him I Like Him

You’ve met someone amazing, and you’re totally into them, but maybe you’re not sure how to let them know how you feel. No need to stress! Dive into the infographic below for some simple ways to show your affection. These subtle hints, thoughtful actions, and effective ways of communicating will guide you in expressing your emotions without any awkwardness. So, take a look and let your actions do the talking.

How To Tell Him I Like Him


How Do You Show Him You Like Him Without Looking Desperate?

When you want to let a guy know you like him without seeming desperate, subtlety is key. Instead of coming on too strong, focus on small gestures that show your interest, like asking about his day or complimenting something he’s done. Remember to give him space and avoid overwhelming him with constant attention. By keeping things light and natural, you can let him know you’re interested without making it seem like a big deal.

How To Tell a Guy You Have Feelings for Him?

When it comes to expressing your feelings for a guy, honesty is key. Try starting with a casual conversation and then gently let him know how you feel. Remember to be confident and genuine in your approach. Communication is key in any relationship, so don’t be afraid to express yourself. Just be yourself and speak from the heart.

How To Tell a Guy You Like Him Over Text?

If you’re thinking about telling a guy you like him over text, keep it light and casual. Start by sending a friendly message and then gradually turn the conversation towards your feelings. Be honest and straightforward, but also considerate of his feelings. Remember, texting can sometimes be misinterpreted, so be clear about your intentions. Just take a deep breath, be yourself, and go for it.

How Do I Confess To My Crush Without Getting Rejected?

When it comes to confessing to your crush, it’s important to approach it with confidence and honesty. Start by finding the right moment to talk to them privately and calmly express your feelings. Be prepared for any outcome, including rejection, but remember that being true to yourself is what matters most.